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Seasonality: Adverse Impacts of Climate Change on Seasons


Introduction Seasons are considered by roughly constant annual weather patterns, day lengths, and temperature ranges. Except for the tropics and polar regions of the earth, it normally describes the four seasons as spring, summer, autumn, and winter and associates detailed ecological and astronomical events with each time of year.  The seasons are related but different to astral seasons, which are more …

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Biological Hazards : 7 Alarming Examples of Biohazards & How Can We Manage Them

biological hazard

What is a Biological Hazard? Biological hazards sometimes called biohazards are any substances that intimidate the health of living organisms. The key to characterizing a biological hazard from other risks is the threat from a biological source, as opposed to something like a chemical hazard, which can be factory-made or exist in the environment. Biological hazards can be present anywhere, such …

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The Importance of Disaster Risk Management: 6 Best Ways to Reduce The Risk

Disaster risk Management

Disaster Risk Management When a hazardous event such as a flood, drought, cyclone, tsunami, or earthquake occurs, causing damage to infrastructure and loss of life, it highlights the reality that a society and its resources are vulnerable to such events. When deliberating disaster risk management, a disaster can high spot the following in a community: The geographical area where the …

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