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 The Fascinating World of Biogeochemical Cycles

biogeochemical cycles

What is a Biogeochemical Cycle? Biogeochemical cycles mostly refer to the movement of nutrients and other elements between biotic factors and abiotic factors.  The term biogeochemical comes from “bio” which means biosphere, “geo” which denotes the geological components, and “chemical” meaning the elements that move through a cycle. Earth conserves substances in the form of atoms. The earth’s system recycles matter in various forms because it …

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Acid Rain: Causes, Devastating Effects, and Flexible Solutions

acid rain

What is Acid Rain Acid rain is one of the consequences of air pollution which occurs when emissions from factories, heating boilers, or cars contact with the water in the atmosphere. The eroding nature of acid rain causes extensive damage to the environment.  When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides form from the smoke released from the burning of fossil fuels such as …

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What Is Deforestation? 8 Major Drivers, Impacts, and Solutions to Deforestation


Overview Deforestation is the direct human-induced conversion of forested land to other land such as cropland, grassland, or settlement. It refers to forest area reduction around the globe because of different drivers such as urbanization, overpopulation, mining, etc. Due to anthropogenic activities since 1960, deforestation is negatively impacting the ecosystem, climate, and biodiversity. According to UNFAO, forests are being cut …

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