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Reforestation: 8 Major benefits, Planting Methods and Challenges

different reforestation techniques

Overview Reforestation in a sustainable manner is done mainly to restore environmental balance rather than to help industrial purposes. Because trees intake carbon dioxide and release oxygen, this practice can offset global warming. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, though, the profits of reforestation to the environment will not completely emerge for decades. We are obligated to future generations to …

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Exploring the Fascinating World of Clouds: The 10 Basic Types of Clouds

Types of clouds

Overview Luke Howard observed clouds often have features of two or more categories, such as cirrus + stratus, cumulus + stratus, etc. He suggested combinations or modifications of the core four clouds between categories based on these observations. It was the starting point for the ten basic types of we observed. World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) International divided them based on their height into …

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Cut Your Energy Bills: 15 Energy Saving Hacks for Winter

energy saving tips

During colder seasons heating your house can be costly. Luckily. There are many winter energy-saving tips for homes that can help you save your money. Below are some of the energy-saving house projects that are comparatively simple to do, and many are low-cost. But even those that need a bigger effort and budget can quickly return savings that may make …

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