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Payment for Ecosystem Services: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental Conservation

ecosystem services

Ecosystem and their Services Ecosystems support plant and animal life by keeping the overall balance in nature. When functioning well, ecosystems also bring many benefits to people. These benefits range from the provision of basic commodities, for example, fuel and food, to spiritual benefits, such as the aesthetically attractive landscapes that we all enjoy. These benefits people get from nature are …

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Gender Equality and Climate Action: A Powerful Combination

gender equality

Introduction Harmful effects of climate change can be felt in the short-term through natural hazards, such as floods, landslides, and hurricanes; and in the long term, through more regular degradation of the environment. The negative effects of these events are already felt in many areas, including, agriculture, food security, biodiversity and ecosystems, water resources, human health and settlement, migration patterns, energy, …

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Atmospheric Layers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Universe


Earth’s Atmospheric Layers Earth’s atmosphere has layers, and each of the atmospheric layers has its specific characteristics. The Earth’s atmosphere is divided into five major and several secondary layers: troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere, which are separated based on temperature. In the lower layers of the atmosphere weather processes occur while exciting events such as the beautiful aurora occur …

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