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Methane Super Emitters: A Closer Look 

methane gas

Overview In 2022 more than 1,000 emitting sites gushed the strong greenhouse gas methane into the global atmosphere, mostly from oil and gas facilities. The worst single leak discharged pollution at a rate equal to 67m running cars. Studies also reveal 55 methane bombs around the world, fossil fuel extraction sites where gas leaks alone would release it at levels …

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Wetlands Wonders: A Closer Look at Their Unique Types and Importance


Introduction Wetlands, typically land areas drenched with water all year or seasonally, cover themselves with water and a variety of aquatic and terrestrial plants. They are well-known for their rich and diverse ecosystems, distinct from those of waterways or dry land. As a direct result of this rich ecosystem, wetlands are significant to the world because they are the homes …

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Noise Pollution in Cities: Using Trees as a Natural Defense

noise pollution

Overview We live in a noisy world not-so-quietly, and much of the noise pollution is caused by man. Mining, Industries, household tasks, and traffic barrage of high pitches. Noise is now understood as a factor in a range of health issues, including cardiac diseases. The concept of noise pollution and its effect is unknown or limited to humans. In reality, that’s …

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