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A Closer Look at Environmental Monitoring Types and Their Significance

Environmental monitoring

 What is Environmental Monitoring? Environmental monitoring discusses the tools and techniques intended to observe an environment, describe its quality, and establish environmental parameters, to calculate the impact accurately an activity has on an environment. Results are collected, statistically analyzed, and published in a risk and impact assessment and environmental monitoring report. ‍ The key objective of environmental monitoring is to …

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The Importance of Wildlife Conservation: A Comprehensive Guide

wildlife conservation

Introduction There are hundreds of wildlife species such as lions, leopards, crocodiles, and rhinoceros present in the forest. They usually get hunted for their nails, skins, horns, and meat. Skins are used for making clothes, ropes, and many useful items. Human beings kill these animals only to achieve their needs, which are needless and can be fulfilled by other alternatives. …

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Nuclear Energy Innovations: From Fusion to Advanced Fuel

nuclear energy

What is Nuclear Energy? In the late 1930s, it was discovered that some particularly large atoms found in nature can be divided into two (or fission), releasing a huge amount of energy as heat. Because the energy arises from the atomic nucleus, it is called nuclear energy. When these atoms are organized properly in a machine called a nuclear reactor, …

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