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Timber Harvesting: Understanding Best Methods, Stages & Implementation

timber harvesting

What is Timber Harvesting Timber harvesting is a forest management procedure that requires careful planning and strict devotion to the chosen methods. Otherwise, it can cause important economic losses to forestry and harm the environment. It can be used to achieve several different objectives for the woodland property. Forest owners may choose to cut trees on their property to produce …

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What is Solar Energy? 12 Surprising Benefits of Solar Energy

solar energy

Solar Energy Radiation from the sun is capable enough to produce heat, causing different chemical reactions, and generating electricity. The total amount of solar energy that strikes the Earth is vastly more than the world’s current and expected energy requirements. If appropriately harnessed, this highly dispersed source has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs. In the present century, solar energy is becoming progressively attractive as a renewable …

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Organic Farming: Key Methods, Types and Advantages and Disadvantages

organic farming

Concept of Organic Farming Organic farming can be well-defined as an agricultural process that uses biological fertilizers and pest control produced from biodegradable waste. Organic farming was introduced as an answer to the environmental issues caused by the use of synthetic and chemical pesticides. In other words, it is a new system of agriculture or farming that repairs, maintains, and …

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