Climate Change and Environment

What is Ozone? The negative Impact of Ozone Layer Depletion

ozone layer

Ozone Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms and is found in the second layer of the earth’s atmosphere called stratosphere. At the stratosphere, this protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. We can call it Earth’s sunscreen. Without it, the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation would sterilize the Earth’s surface. When this protective shield gets weaker, …

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Hydrogen: Its advantages and Hurdles in adaptation as Future Fuel

hydrogen fuel cell

Hydrogen Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table, making it the lightest element on Earth and also the most abundant element on the planet. It lies in the first group and first period in the periodic table. Hydrogen is neither a metal nor a non-metal but still is considered a non-metal. It acts as a metalloid when compressed …

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Define Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Top 5 Adaptation and Mitigation Measures

climate change mitigation

Climate Change Mitigation Climate change mitigation discusses the measures taken by government organizations and non-government companies to remove greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere. Some of the Mitigation measures are somehow more difficult than others, e.g. stop burning fossil fuel. Some people look at mitigation actions as they should be tackled as a zero-sum game, where the cost of reducing …

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Climate Change and its Alarming Impacts on the Environment

climate change

What is Climate Change? Long-term changes in climate (from 10 to million years) is called climate change. These changes may be local or global. According to the definition of climate change a change in mean temperature from the preindustrial era to the present day. Climate change can be natural or anthropogenic mainly due to greenhouse gases. Main Causes of Climate Change …

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