Climate Change and Environment

The Importance of Understanding Species Interaction in Ecology: How Different Species Work Together for Survival

species interaction

Introduction Organisms live within an ecological community that is defined as an accumulation of populations of at least two different species that interrelate directly and indirectly within a defined geographic area. Species interaction make the basis for many ecosystem processes and properties such as food webs and nutrient cycles. The nature of these interactions can differ depending on the evolutionary framework and …

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The Ultimate Guide to Carbon Financing: Everything You Need to Know

carbon financing

Overview Carbon financing deliberates the funding mechanisms that put a financial amount on carbon emissions, allowing, for example, companies who desire to offset their GHG emissions to buy carbon credits earned from organizations and their sustainable projects. It funds projects promoting sustainable energy to benefit residents of developing countries globally. Your business can recompense for your remaining GHG emissions that …

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Mental Health: Understanding the Negative Impacts of Physical and Social Environmental Factors

mental health

Mental Health It is well accepted that human mental health develops from a complex interplay between genetic, lifestyle, psychological, and other factors. In addition, people are also exposed to several environments. These environmental exposures, for example, green space, air pollution, noise, housing conditions, and weather conditions) might cause mental disorders or be protective features, facilitating mental recovery, stress reduction, etc. …

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Carbon Footprint: 5 Essential Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

carbon footprint

what is Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced directly and indirectly by an individual, event, organization, or product. To calculate it, sum up the emissions from every stage of a product or service’s lifetime, including material production, manufacturing, use, and end-of-life. Throughout a product’s lifetime, it may emit various greenhouse gases (GHGs) like …

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The Environmental Benefits of Wind Energy: A Sustainable Solutions

wind energy farm

Wind and Wind Energy Wind Energy captures the natural wind in our environment and transforms the air’s motion into mechanical energy. The wind is caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. Wind speeds differ based on topography, geography, and season. As a result, there are some locations appropriate for wind energy generation than others. In a broad sense, wind speeds are …

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The Sources of Water Pollution, Devastating Effects on the Environment and How to Reduce it

water pollution

What is Water Pollution? The world’s water resources are under cumulative threat from the impacts of climate change, pollution, and population growth. As the global population grows, a tenacious challenge is how to access enough water to meet human needs while also preserving the reliability of aquatic ecosystems. Water pollution happens when harmful substances, mainly chemicals or microorganisms contaminate a …

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Biogas: A Closer Look at Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Biogas Plant

What is Biogas? Biogas is a type of biofuel naturally formed from the decaying of organic matter. When this organic matter is exposed to an environment without oxygen, it releases a mixture of gases. Although what’s typically released is methane and carbon dioxide, other gases are released in minor quantities. It occurs naturally in compost piles, as swamp gas, and …

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Mining and Environmental Degradation: Unveiling the Truth


Overview The mining and processing of minerals provide us with the major building blocks required to form much of the infrastructure required to support current societies. Whereas demand for some resources such as coal is dropping, other resources such as copper are seeing increasing demand as new products and technologies require diverse materials. For example, a single lithium-ion electric vehicle battery pack …

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What is Being Eco-Friendly: 12 Essential Eco-Friendly Products Everyone Needs in Their Lives

 Eco-friendly products encourage green living that helps to conserve energy and also prevent water, air, and noise pollution. They prove to be a benefit for the environment and also prevent human health from deteriorating. Being environmentally friendly or eco-friendly is becoming more and more important in recent years. You can see the term used in everything from job ads to even listings of …

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Smog- Harmful Effects on Health and Environment


Every year so many people face Smog and its harmful effects. It is a combination of fog and smoke. The act of stubble burning a practice of deliberately lid fire to the straw, or husk that remains after grains harvesting, such as rice and wheat. The technique is still extensive today and is a major cause of Smog. The farmers …

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