Climate Change and Environment

Energy and Mineral Resources Types and Negative Impacts

energy resources

Overview of Energy Resources In recent times, geologic knowledge has been important for positioning economically valuable materials for humanity’s use. All things we use in daily life come from only three sources: they are farmed, mined, or hunted and fished. At the start of the twentieth century, the assumption was widespread that food supplies would not be maintained with world …

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What is Weather Forecasting? The Importance of Reliable Weather Forecasting, its Types and Methods

types of weather forecasting

What is the Weather Forecasting? Weather forecasting is the practice of science and technology to forecast atmospheric conditions for a specific place and period. For centuries, people have tried to forecast the weather casually, and official forecasting started in the 19th century. Weather forecasting, which used to be done by hand and was focused mostly on disparities in barometric pressure, …

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Unraveling Time with Index Fossils: A Fascinating Journey Through Earth’s History

Index fossils

What are Index Fossils? Fossils are the remnants of ancient living things like animals and plants well-preserved from the prehistoric period by the vision of natural conditions. It can be usually a rock in which organisms are preserved. These are found in sedimentary rocks, coal, asphalt deposits, amber and other materials. The scientific discipline that transacts with the study of …

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What is a Tsunami? Major Causes, Types and Devastating Impacts


Introduction A tsunami is a sequence of ocean waves caused by large-scale disturbances, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or landslides, that move large amounts of water. It is also known as tidal waves, are waves that can cause local water waves. Although tides and tsunamis both produce these waves, it can cause the water to move considerably farther inland, making …

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What Is Integrated Pest Management? Benefits and 4 Most Useful Integrated Pest Management Method

Integrated Pest Management Method

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management Integrated pest management (IPM) is an essential and long-term crop protection method to prevent and combat pest invasions on agricultural lands. Pests attack plants from everywhere, nematodes and rodents destroy roots in the earth, caterpillars and snails spoil leaves and berries coming from the ground, and birds eat up seeds and fruits attacking from the air. The …

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Reforestation: 8 Major benefits, Planting Methods and Challenges

different reforestation techniques

Overview Reforestation in a sustainable manner is done mainly to restore environmental balance rather than to help industrial purposes. Because trees intake carbon dioxide and release oxygen, this practice can offset global warming. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, though, the profits of reforestation to the environment will not completely emerge for decades. We are obligated to future generations to …

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Exploring the Fascinating World of Clouds: The 10 Basic Types of Clouds

Types of clouds

Overview Luke Howard observed clouds often have features of two or more categories, such as cirrus + stratus, cumulus + stratus, etc. He suggested combinations or modifications of the core four clouds between categories based on these observations. It was the starting point for the ten basic types of we observed. World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) International divided them based on their height into …

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Cut Your Energy Bills: 15 Energy Saving Hacks for Winter

energy saving tips

During colder seasons heating your house can be costly. Luckily. There are many winter energy-saving tips for homes that can help you save your money. Below are some of the energy-saving house projects that are comparatively simple to do, and many are low-cost. But even those that need a bigger effort and budget can quickly return savings that may make …

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Common Tree Diseases: How to Identify Them to Protect Forest

bark disease

Introduction Tree diseases control is among the main activities in forestry since forests suffer from multiple pathogens, pest invasions, and nutrient deficiencies. Tree diseases, irrespective of the persuading cause, threatens forest health and impacts any related industry. From harvesting to environmental needs, tree pests, and diseases are a decisive annoyance for any business involved. Healthy trees mean a healthy population, …

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Wildfires: A Deep Dive into Causes and How To Prevent Them

forest fires due to bonfires

Overview A wildfire is an unrestrained fire that burns the forestland vegetation, frequently in rural areas. Wildfires can burn in forests, savannas, grasslands, and other ecosystems, and have been happening so for hundreds of millions of years. They are not confined to a particular continent or environment. Wildfires can burn the vegetation present both in and above the soil. Ground fires characteristically catch fire in soil thick with organic …

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