What is Solar Energy? 12 Surprising Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Radiation from the sun is capable enough to produce heat, causing different chemical reactions, and generating electricity. The total amount of solar energy that strikes the Earth is vastly more than the world’s current and expected energy requirements. If appropriately harnessed, this highly dispersed source has the potential to satisfy all future energy needs.

In the present century, solar energy is becoming progressively attractive as a renewable source of energy because of its infinite supply and its non-polluting characteristic, in contrast to the limited fossil fuels coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

The Sun, a tremendously powerful energy source, overwhelmingly provides Earth with the most energy, but its strength diminishes significantly by the time it reaches Earth’s surface. This is essentially because of the huge radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun. A comparatively little additional loss is due to Earth’s atmosphere and clouds, which absorb or disseminate as much as approximately 50 percent of the incoming sunlight.

The sunlight that touches the ground consists of nearly 50 percent visible light, 45 percent infrared radiation, and minor amounts of ultraviolet and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Earth receives about 200,000 times the world’s total daily electric-generating capacity in the form of solar energy daily, presenting massive potential for solar energy.

In an article by BBC ” native Americans are building their own solar farms”: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231204-native-americans-are-building-their-own-solar-farms

Thermal Energy

Among the most common instruments used to capture solar energy and convert it into thermal energy are flat-plate collectors, which are commonly used for solar heating applications. Because the concentration of solar radiation at Earth’s surface is so low, these collectors must be large in area. Even in sunny parts of the world’s temperate regions, for example, a collector must have a surface area of approximately 40 square meters to collect enough energy to serve the energy needs of one person.

Manufacturers extensively use flat-plate collectors that consist of a black metal plate covered with one or two glass sheets, heating up when sunlight falls on them. This heat then transfers to air or water, known as carrier fluids, flowing behind the plate. One can use the heat produced directly or transfer it to another medium for storage.

People commonly use these collectors for house heating and solar water heaters. They store the heat for nighttime or cloudy day use in insulated tanks to keep the water warm from sunny days. Such a system can provide a home with hot water drained from the storage tank, or, with the hot water flowing through tubes in ceilings and floors, it can provide space heating. Flat-plate collectors characteristically heat carrier fluids (water or air) to temperatures ranging from 60 to 90 °C.

On a minor scale, we can use Sun’s energy can to cook food in specially designed solar cookers, or ovens. That are typically concentrate sunlight from over a wide area to a central point, where a black-surfaced container converts the sunlight into heat. The cookers or ovens are typically transportable and require no other fuel inputs.

solar cooker

Applications of Solar Energy

Solar Panels for Electricity

Installing solar panels at your home allows you to save loads of cash on your energy bills each month. When you have typical municipal electricity, you are subject to bills that vary based on market reasons, changes in temperature throughout the seasons, and governmental changes. If you install your own solar panels, you will not have an electric bill and won’t be subject to any of these rise and falls.

This is also a great way to contribute to the planet by not using electricity supported by fossil fuels. Consumer electronics, like flashlights, are hotter than ever, so expect an increasing number to be solar-powered.

If you are going camping or enjoying outdoor life, you can save batteries and ditch the lantern by purchasing solar flashlights. These flashlights will charge during the day and produce light at night.

Solar Consumer Electronics

If you are a music lover, you can even buy solar-powered speaker systems. Technology now has been changed so that you can play music from your phone over Bluetooth speakers that are powered by solar energy. We can expect to see more solar-powered wearable technology as well in the near future. Many of the smartwatches now are being created with solar power in mind.

Solar Energy is Renewable

While the planet’s oil reserves are ending longer than early estimates recommended, ultimately they will run dry. On the other side, we will continue to receive the sun’s energy for billions of years which makes solar energy renewable. Even more than hydropower and wind, solar energy is infinite and abundant: in just one hour, the sun can provide more energy to the Earth than people use in a year. Every year, we are becoming ever more progressive in yoking this power efficiently.

Local & National Energy Independence

 Solar energy permits individuals to produce their own energy, and community solar brings the same aid to communities. At a national level, this allows us to depend less on the global energy market, protecting us from unbalanced energy prices and supply disturbances.

Benefits To The Grid

Recently, it has been suggested that renewables may delay the consistency of our electricity grid. However independent research has shown that domestic solar generation, as it is today, benefits the grid and the consumer. For instance, because we produce and consume rooftop solar energy locally, it loses less energy in long-distance conduction and distribution.

Furthermore, solar panels generate maximum electricity during the daytime, when most utilities experience peak demand. Therefore, to handle this demand we need less money. Finally, an increased solar capability helps utilities avoid costly clean-ups of fossil fuel plants while keeping the same level of electricity generation. The best move for utilities, experts suggest, is to encirclement solar for everyone’s gain.

Versatile Applications

When we think about solar energy, the term most frequently brings rooftop panels to mind, photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into electricity are only one form of solar technology. Solar thermal systems use solar energy to heat water for residential or commercial use. Concentrated solar power systems use mirrors to focus solar rays into receivers that turn water into steam, and power steam turbines to generate electricity. Finally, it does not require any technology to convert the good old-fashioned sunlight into electricity and heat for our homes and commercial buildings.

Low Maintenance

Solar panels need very little maintenance. People who install solar panels on their rooftops need to clean them only once or twice a year to ensure maximum electricity generation. Snow cover will more seriously hamper a panel’s ability to function, but because panels are sloped for maximum generation, snow will generally slide off or melt away comparatively quickly.

With this simple maintenance, these solar panels are generally expected to last for 40 or more years and have a normal warranty of twenty years. Solar farms, on the other hand, allow for well-organized maintenance as they are all gathered in one place, and are usually more reachable than a rooftop installation.

Heated Swimming Pools

If you have a swimming pool, you too can get an advantage from solar energy. Many homeowners are starting to buy solar blankets so that they can cover the pool with it when it’s not in use. These blankets will heat the pool so that it stays warm at night. One can also install solar electrical systems in the pool so that it can power the heat pump, consequently, saving plenty of money and allowing for more comfortable swimming.

Health Benefits of Solar Energy

Fossil fuels play a major part in air pollution which causes critical diseases and even death. Solar panels do not produce harmful gases and hence are one of the safest replacements for fossil fuels. By implementing solar energy, we do not only decrease air pollution but also the diseases caused by it.

No Noise Production

The traditional electricity generator produces so much sound causing noise pollution. Unlike traditional electricity systems, solar panels are not a source of noise pollution.

Selling Excess Solar Power

Along with utilizing solar energy on your own, you can also sell the extra power that you produce. By signing an agreement with your local power utility, you can sell excess power that you generate back to the grid.

Charging Systems for Cell Phones and Tablets

If you need to charge your phone or tablet while you’re traveling. That is not a problem now, as there are solar-powered charging stations available to charge your devices. This way, you will not have to worry about going into a coffee shop or charging your phone in your vehicle. These charging stations allow you to charge different types of devices, as they come complete with standard USB and iPhone ports.

The Future of Renewable Energy Sources are facing some Challenges and Solutions, here is the detail blog: https://thecliment.com/renewable-energy-sources-challenges-and-solutions/

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